Language is prominent in daily life. Without language, society cannot develop. In detail, language is an essential tool in every activity: politics, economy, education, etc. Nowadays, the more society develops, the more social activities are, and as a result, the more diverse language is. Everything has two sides, language is not an exception. On one side, language makes society develop, on other side, language diversity is also barrier of development. Each country has its own language; even one country has many different languages. To break the disadvantages of language barrier and as result of politic and economic domi nance of English empiricism in the past, English has been considered ―the world’s language‖. Learning English as ESL, learners have many difficulties; one of them is learning English idioms. Idiom is common part of language, native speakers like to use idioms in communication so frequently that they even do not realize while using them. One of the key to speaking, writing like a native is the ability to use and understand casual expressions or idioms. English is full of idioms. You will not learn these expressions in a standard textbook, but you hear them all the time in everyday conversation. You also meet them in books, newspapers, magazines, TV shows, and on the internet. Idioms add color to the language, learning idioms is really a challenge for English learners, however.
Hải Phòng là một thành phố cảng biển có bề dày văn hóa, lịch sử. Hải Phòng có một vị trí chiến lược quan trọng về k ...
Việt Nam là một quốc gia đa dân tộc sinh sống trên cùng một lãnh thổ. 54 tộc ng-ời tạo nên những sắc thái văn hoá kh ...
During the process of fulfilling this graduation paper, I have received many necessary assistances, previous ideas ...
No one denies the importance of English language in the present time as global language. It is clear that English h ...
On the completion of this study, I have received a lot of help, assistance, guidance encouragement and idea contrib ...
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